Song weaver, Healer, Director of Osho Leela

Tarisha Seligman

I have helped build two communities this lifetime. Osho Leela, where I live now, is a beacon of light where people can learn and grow and be who they are with all the trials and tribulations of the journey welcome. It has been going for 22 years and I am well proud of what we as a team have created.

My passion is song and I weave it into most things I do, whether it be women's empowerment groups, Elemental Healing sessions or morning gatherings in the community. My songs and chants have travelled the world and inspired many hearts. I have 3 CD's.

The BrightSky Community has called me in because it supports and celebrates new ways, new offerings, bright lights and innovations for this path of awakening. It is celebrating the best in each of us and sharing ways in which we can all expand our work to reach the people we are meant to reach. It is non-competitive and rooted in the heart. This is a vision I 100% celebrate and am delighted to be an ambassador for.

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